Answer These Trivia Questions to Find Out if You're an Office Super Fan!

Answer These Trivia Questions to Find Out if You're an Office Super Fan!

About This Quiz

Although it's been off the air for almost a decade, The Office remains just as popular as when it was hitting our screens weekly. It’s not hard to understand what made this series so beloved. A likable cast, quirky storylines and a mockumentary shooting style made the show unique. It went on to influence other series to shoot with the same single-camera style but none of those ever quite found the same intense following. With so many episodes, there is a lot of trivia to know. So, if you consider yourself a super fan of The Office, take this fun and informative quiz and find out!

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Matt Howell

Matt Howell

Matt is a print and broadcast-journalism graduate and natural storyteller with over nine years of writing experience. Matt is a writer for Creative Campbellville and his work has been featured in various magazines, newspapers and online communications across North America.

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